perjantai 24. toukokuuta 2024

An atmosphere like tge birdsong in the beginning of the song "El Amor" by Julio Iglesias

 See book 2. at 

The blog seems liked by birds. 

" You can find the text as a book (with black-and-white pictures) or an ebook at 

(You might also want to see the books 

"Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" 

"Magnifient Views: and nice to live in" 

And maybe my books about healing, 

See .) 

Maybe also the long book series "Find / Create The Land Of Christmas" at 

maanantai 6. toukokuuta 2024

Muusikon elantoon avuksi, yms

 Ehkä näistä jotain iloa olisi. Katso 

I do not have extra money. You will have to read the texts. Maybe some student could find interesting texts, if you do not have enough energy to read so much. 

I have low quality nowadays. I am just exhausted from too narrow lufe sphere when writing. I need ordinary Finnish life, healthy ways of living. 

There is this link .

And the rest is more like pieces of skills, on a very general level, aimed at a global audience of all ages, even 100+. Those may bring some professional skills, but I do not know, who could get money with the help of those skills. 


See also   ( 24th of September 2024   I was left wondering, is the Christmas gnomes and elves internet institute a Bird institute, or gotten surprisingly much influencies from admiring the little singing birds for tens of years ? )
